The importance of creative marketing in social entrepreneurship

Usefulness of social enterprise

Need - desire - goal

These six elements form a system. If even one of these elements fails, the entire system will be ineffective. This algorithm can be used both to analyze the internal structure of the institution to increase its productivity, and to optimize business efficiency in society. A commodity is a form of a product on the market. The meaning of the product is the form by which the consumer can identify your product. This is a target link to your product.

Purpose connects goods and desires. The product connects our product to the customer's purpose. The product connects the utility and the product. The product connects our product to the customer's purpose. The connection between the buyer and the seller, and what arises between them is the MARKET. Each of these elements must be alive to be modifiable. If it is very static (not alive), it will inhibit communication in the system.

The work with these elements has two directions:

  1. Create a connection between them

  1. Change individual elements under the influence of emerging needs

"Goods" and "products" in social entrepreneurship

Utility – product - goods

The first rule of marketing is to study the market in order to understand what your potential consumers want, how they think. At this stage, the usefulness of the product is formed. Utility is the satisfaction of customer needs, which they may not be aware of, but feel at the level of desire. We need to give our product such a form, and possibly add additional qualities so that the consumer already associates the product with the goal. The goal is when a person sees a product, and he has the energy to act to realize his desire. A person goes and buys your product. In this case, the utility of the product is realized in the form of a product.

A product is a form for utility, and a product is a form for a product. Needs are feelings of inner dissatisfaction or incompleteness. Desire is an association of the energy of need with an external object. Benefit - if you create something, it should have a benefit. Being useful is the deep existence of the producer.

As a need it is the existence of the consumer:

  • How to make it easier, better, faster is a benefit.

  • What exactly is this good for people?

  • What is useful is what satisfies their needs.

Benefit must be produced - it will be a product.

A product is an analogue of the consumer's desire. The product is an analogue of the consumer's goal.

Social entrepreneurship is a client-oriented business, so for its effectiveness, the product must be unique and attract the concentrated energy of the buyers' desire. Then the product realizes its usefulness by satisfying the needs of consumers. One of the features of a small business is a lot of contact with people (consumers).

The market. Consumers. Competitors.

Creativity in the service sector is the ability to find new approaches in communicating with people. Healthy marketing intensifies satisfying the needs of the client through the marketing process while simultaneously satisfying the producer's existential need for utility. The main task of marketing is to turn a product into a commodity, to determine the most suitable form for it, and to influence the emergence that is already on the market.

Emergence is the characteristics that arise in the producer-consumer-market connection. A market differs from simple exchange by the presence of synergy and contingency, it is a system of many elements, more than just exchange or sales. There are buyers, there are sellers and there is an emergency. There is a lot of emergentism now, so they form new systems that are interconnected and influence each other. Therefore, the market now needs to be not only analyzed, but also felt. Any market is a place where consumers (buyers) and sellers (producers) meet. When they meet, there is an exchange of utilities, goods and money between them.

Nowadays, the highest qualification of marketing is the ability to rely on the needs of the consumer, which he is not even aware of yet. This is an area for business development, which is set by marketing. Competitors are an important element for research. You need to define them and your uniqueness:

  • What is it? What are they?

  • What do they have?

  • What's not there?

  • And what do we have?

  • And what are we lacking, and can we add?

Healthy competition promotes development and creativity in business. For analysis, it is useful to apply the same algorithm of 6 elements: Need-desire-goal-usefulness-product-goods.

Consumers are for whom utility is created. In order to find our usefulness, we need to determine for which specific people we want to be useful, to which groups do they belong? And then learn to feel them and think like them, to feel what they want. This will be your target audience, your consumer. Creativity allows you to find a form for your consumer that will differentiate you from the competition, or satisfy some special consumer desire.

Special features of advertising

Advertising is needed to help connect the producer and the consumer through targeted information. The purpose of advertising is to provide people with information about the possibility of satisfying their needs and desires. The task of advertising is to connect desire-goal-product.

Functions, types of advertising:

  • Become noticeable, stand out. This means moving the ad subject from the background to become a figure. It does not matter what associations this figure will cause, positive or negative.

  • Information. When there is already a figure, it is necessary to inform about the features and usefulness of the product. At this stage, an associative connection with the product is formed in the human psyche.

  • Motivation to action. Prompting. Connect the desire with the goal for the person to buy.

  • Supporting - its task is to maintain a certain level of energy and connections that already exist.

It is necessary to clearly understand when and what advertising we need:

  • Supporting, it is enough that it works somewhere in the background. 

  • Motivational advertising (motivation) should be

  • Clear, specific and motivating.

  • Informative - for creating associative connections.

Advertising in order to become noticeable is to declare yourself. If the purpose of a trademark is to strengthen branding, then the purpose of advertising is to increase sales.

Creativity in business is the ability to adapt to new conditions and management styles, to change in accordance with changing market conditions.

Creativity in advertising is the ability to show a product in a new way, from an unexpected angle. Creativity in the service sector is the ability to find new approaches in communicating with people. For the field of sales, it is important to be able to present the product in such a way that the potential buyer wants to buy it. Each of the mentioned elements should be alive, which means that it can be changed/adjusted/added to, because in a fast-paced world full of uncertainty, this is one of the most important features that promotes creativity.

A successful social business strategy depends on changing your organization and corporate culture to harness the collaborative potential of social technologies. Success also requires connecting with wider communities to build trust, encourage participation and create a positive community culture.